I have always told myself to take chances and never look back or have regrets. I haven’t consistently done this because other people are often involved, but it is my overall perspective. My life so far has been a little haphazard because of this strategy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. This strategy was reinforced early in my career when an older client asked me over cocktails if I would choose to have a life that resembles a merry-go-round, or instead, a roller coaster. I pretty quickly replied with roller coaster, even though I love carousels–the bright painted horses, smiling kids and kalliope music. He smiled and said I’d need to be prepared to experience some really scary and deep descents and jolting turns but that I’d truly appreciate the high points and the exhilaration of the ride.
Accepting that my life would have ups and downs (and that this is what I wanted) helped me to get through the low points the best I could, with the confidence of knowing that things would get better. And they always have.
Right now, I am at one of those incredible high points and I am going to savor it. I just married a man who I love very much and feel like a teenager. Speaking of teenagers, my youngest son is graduating from high school tomorrow and I couldn’t be prouder. I am healthy and fit enough to compete in half ironman and full ironman distance races. My next race, the Ironman Hawaii 70.3 is coming up on June 1 and I’m ready. The training is done and now it’s about the physical taper and mental ramp up.
I know this race will also be like a roller coaster, both literally and figuratively. There will be times when things are really low–perhaps a severe cramp or lost nutrition or a flat or tremendous cross winds or a kick in the face during the swim. But, I will hang on and remember that there are high points to savor coming right up: Moving forward, testing my fitness, smiling at and encouraging friends, and finishing to run into the arms of my fabulous new husband, Rick Keene.
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