That worrisome feeling about whether I’ve done enough training for my upcoming Ironman is back. In full training mode my brain is busily focused on my stroke, my run position, that pothole ahead, or some such thing. In taper mode when volume is down, there is plenty of time for doubt to seep in.
But, I am ready. The training is done and now I must taper and prepare. Thinking about adding long, hard training is tempting (to “test” my fitness and readiness), but that would do harm, not good. I really do know this, but that doubt has shown itself in every taper before an Ironman. You might have that same doubt before a big race, so I thought I’d share with you some of the things I do to get that doubt to shut the fook up.

Long miles on the bike are behind me–for now.
1. Review my weekly training plans and see how heavy my training schedule has actually been.
2. Look at photos over the last several months and see that most of them were taken when I’ve been training or racing.
3. Remember that I’ve had this feeling plenty of times during a taper, but I have in fact been ready on race day.
4. Think about the consistency of my training over an extended period of time.
5. Congratulate myself for increasing kettle bell, core and other strength training.
6. Pat myself on the back for focusing on improving my swimming with some great technique sessions, more time in the water, and tough interval sets.
7. Remember how strong I felt when I did 3-20 minute intervals much faster than I thought I could.
8. Recite the fact that it is much better to go into an race slightly under-trained than slightly over-trained.
9. Imagine my body absorbing all of the work I’ve put into it.
10. Visualize nutrients building muscle and endurance instead of expending them immediately on effort.
And then I find my comfortable couch, lay down, and get back to studying Portuguese in preparation for our arrival in Brazil next week. Race day is May 25th. I’m number 115.

I was blessed to have consistent help from a legendary swimmer. Thank you, Linda. I go into my race more competent and confident than ever.
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