Maybe there will be some things I share with you that will be interesting or helpful. Maybe not. You will decide that for yourself if you follow my blog that comes to life today.
I will be writing about triathlon–what inspires me, what my training is like, my racing experiences, the products I use and the ups and downs I experience on this particular journey.
I’ll also share my experiences in community service. I have always believed it’s important to be active in my community, and this involvement brings interesting challenges and opportunities.
Family and friends are important to me as I’m sure they are to you, and I have learned much about myself through them. I’ll share stories that have taught me something (or that are simply funny).
Overall, my objective is to inspire you to be you. Through my experiences, I hope you will see that we all have good days and bad, high points and low. And that we are indeed special individuals who don’t need to strive to be anyone but ourselves. After all, as Oscar Wilde wrote, “Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken”.
Here I am with Mariane Uehara Marr. Thank you for helping me get my blog up and running!
KC Mar 15 , 2013 at 2:18 am /
Congratulations. I’m so glad you got this up and running. You have a lot to share. Can’t wait!!
Mariane Uehara Mar 16 , 2013 at 8:32 am /
It is such a pleasure to help you with this project!
I’ve always looked up to you. Thank you for letting me be part of your next chapter.
Muito Obrigada pela sua Maravilhosa Energia:)