It’s been 7 weeks since my “10th and final” Ironman and I’m thinking about doing another one. Well, sometimes thinking about it. For now, I have a huge goal in front of me–to launch a successful bikesharing program as the CEO of Bikeshare Hawaii. It is already taking most of my time whether I’m at my computer, on the phone, in a meeting, or tossing and turning in bed with ideas racing through my head.

Ironman training has prepared me to take on a different kind of challenge.
Many of you know that what makes me tick is setting a big goal and then going all out to achieve it. And so what I’m feeling now in regards to Bikeshare Hawaii is very familiar to me. I felt that same rush of excitement when I was selected for this big job as I have when I click the sign-up button for an Ironman. I then quickly moved into the “gulp, what have I done” phase and am now in the “make a plan and then just do what you need to do, Lori” phase. All familiar because of my Ironman experiences. I know it will be a challenging journey with hiccups along the way, but I’m up to the challenge. You see, among other things, I really believe that a large and successful bikeshare system here will accelerate the creation of more bike infrastructure, which will get more people on bikes as they feel safer and more accepted on the road.

Launching a successful bikesharing program as the CEO of Bikeshare Hawaii is my current goal.
So, what’s up with the idea of doing another Ironman after I said no more? Ironman Sweden and Challenge Roth have always been on my wanna-do list. A Challenge event isn’t an Ironman, right? And traveling to Sweden would give me the opportunity to travel around Scandinavia to research cities with a cycling culture. So, maybe 2016? In the meantime, my triathlon goal in 2015 is to win my age group at Ironman Boulder 70.3. Not an easy goal, but with less time to train and a healthy body that can get stronger and faster, who says I shouldn’t go for it?
mariane Jan 30 , 2015 at 1:36 pm /
Challenge Roth is on our do-to ironman list too! Maybe we are going to do another advenutre again. Yay! Lov, Mariane